Homo Qua Vadis?(Where are you Going Man?)
Homo Qua Vadis?(Where are you Going Man?)
‘The time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is home and make someone happy then we have a heaven right here’.
‘The time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is home and make someone happy then we have a heaven right here’.
This is the time that people around the world are truely turning back to God. ‘The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for’ (Fyodor Dostoevsky). Everyone has opened up to the reality of life and the importance of human existence. Yes! Let us stop for a moment and look back into our part in contribution to the global community.
There is no road accidents and no accidental death, no killings for lust and greed. Selfishness have no room in the hearts of men. There is no air pollution, the hush and rush of heavy vehicles is no more seen on road, and no one dumps waste into rivers and streams. Everyone takes care of their own streets and lanes.
There is no fight against one’s caste or creed. People are not greedy for jewelries and fashions. We learned to simplify celebrations, parties, tours, marriages and to the extent reduce the external extravaganza. There is no superstitious believes and unwanted witchcraft practices. No one depends on horoscope or jyothisham.
People learned to spend less and are satisfied with the minimum requirements. The oil prices have reduced and there are no false promises by the politicians.
There is no corruption of any sort: No unwanted real estate business deals, no black money transactions, no stealing of human organs, no sex rackets and no female trafficking. Girls are safe at home and there is no case of gang rapes and harassment. Liquor shops are closed and so women are happy at home and there is no wife battering.
People around the globe stay with their loved ones and spent their time together. Those who had no time for relaxation have plenty of time now. The habit of reading, writing and painting has taken shape once again.
Parents play with their kids, children chat with their grandparents. Everyone loves home-food rather than fast food and hotel foods. There is a wider awareness of the worth of natural food. Each one has a sense of personal responsibility towards oneself and others. People are generous in sharing and caring.
Everyone began to appreciate social service and involve themselves in serving the needy. There is no unwanted competition between educational institutions of schools, colleges, coaching centres, and universities. Students are not anxious about marks and results. Learning has become a two-way process than a one way process. Self-learning has become more of a trend
Students use technology for the purpose of learning more than entertainment. They spend their time with the parents and play indoor games with their siblings. The family bond of love and care is reborn. There is no business transaction to be dealt with so no jealousy, hatred and dislike of any sort among the neighbours.
Everyone abides by the rules and regulations of the Government. No one spits on the road, throws garbage and passes urine on the wayside. Has a sense of respect and gratitude to those at the nation’s service like (collectors, social workers, doctors, nurses, lab technicians, ambulance drivers, helpers, policemen, army men, sweepers and those engaged in burying the dead). They emerged as true heroes and applaud for them rather than hero worship of actors and actresses.
People value the preciousness of life and health. Health has indeed become the wealth. There is no comparison between rich, middleclass or poor. All stand in the same queue at the supermarkets, vegetable markets, meat shops and ration shops.
Each one learned to maintain equal distance and there is no preference for anyone… People began to admire the beauty of nature, and listen to the chirping of the birds in the morning, gaze at the rising and setting of the sun, glance at the numerous stars in the sky and above all admire the beauty of life itself.
So the creator of the Universe let things happen for a purposeand it is a Punto di Svolta (turning point) in one’s life at this misfortune. And God in His turn asks each one HomoQua Vadis? (Where are you going man?).
Let the year 2020 be a turning point in everyone’s life with the realization of the greatness of God’s gift of life to each one and continue to spread the fragrance of goodness in the years to come.
Written by ,
Dr.Bincy Mathew.
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