Superwoman 👸
All men likes woman but mostly they love them for their physical relationship. No men truly cares for woman except few.
No woman get Stronger by herself. She obtain to be stronger by the act of men.If you notice a strong independent woman and if you analyse her life,she has most abominable past life or someone played with her true emotions.
If a female went through lot of sufferings and pain in her young age there she builds herself to be strong.Most of the woman shows some attitude , it's not to exhibit themselves but it is the defence. It is like a imaginary wall they built around themselves.
When a girl undergone stress and resentment in her loneliness then she came out of that by herself. Nobody can stop her what she planned to do. They can achieve anything in their life if they know themself.
If a woman truly wants to attain a goal in her life whatever happens she will attain , when she pours her whole heart 💓 into it ( that's how she was created)
If she loves , she truly loves
If she thought to cheat
She will do that.
If she truly wants to be with one man till her life ends (Even she has to die for him she will)
That's the strongest will she has.
Dear boys/men don't play with the emotions of girls/woman that reflects to you in some other form. If she really get hurts because of a boy/men , somewhere you will realise because of what you did to them you are going through this.
Not only for boys/men even to the girls/women a rapist is not born as rapist (not in all case) , he was cheated or hurted by some girls/women or some girls played with his emotion.
Chiseling a woman to be soft and fragile is in the hands of men.
Let us not hurt others or play with others emotion.
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